Sonoma County Public Safety Consortium is governed by the Board of Directors with support from management representatives of each member agency along with SCPSC professional staff.
Board of Directors
The Sonoma County Public Safety Consortium is governed by a nine (9) member Board of Directors. Each city/town, the County of Sonoma, and REDCOM are entitled to appoint a Director, while the Santa Rosa Junior College and Sonoma State University are entitled to appoint an Alternate Director. Alternate Directors shall serve a rotating two (2) year term on the Board. In the event a Director is unable to attend a meeting, the other Alternate Director shall be appointed to serve on the Board for that particular meeting.
The City Manager or the Chief of Police shall represent each city/town and the Sheriff shall represent the County of Sonoma. REDCOM shall be represented by either the Executive Director or the Board Chair and the Chief of Police shall represent Santa Rosa Junior College and Sonoma State University, respectively.
Professional Staff
The Sonoma County Public Safety Consortium employs two (2) part-time staff members to carry out the administrative functions of the Consortium.
Management Oversight Committee
The Management Oversight Committee (MOC) is comprised of management-level or subject matter experts from each of the member agencies. Working directly with the Consortium’s professional staff, the MOC provides agency feedback, reviews new and emerging technologies, provides input and advice on policies, procedures and protocols, and insures efficient and effective operations.